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Lenten Life Groups

Updated: Feb 24

Loving God and loving others are the keys to life for active disciples of Jesus and the best place for both of those to happen is in small gatherings with others on the journey. So, during Lent this year, everyone at Yorkminster Presbyterian Church is encouraged to join a Life Group for a six-week time of connecting, laughing, learning, praying and studying God’s word together as we journey together toward Holy Week.

Join us in Covenant Hall at 5:30 p.m. on Ash Wednesday, March 5, for a dinner prepared by Andy Lucas and his team and the initial discipleship group gathering. Ash Wednesday worship will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.

Please review the groups to find one that meets on a time and day convenient for you. Please sign up even if you regularly attend a small group.



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